Thursday, October 6, 2011

Homework Help for kids with ADHD

Does your child dread after-school study time? Are you tired of battling your student to get assignments turned in on time? You know that she's bright, capable, and will work hard when she's motivated. But you also know that homework requires our students to perform mundane tasks -- copy down assignments, bring home the right books, and keep track of due dates -- challenges for children with poor focus, attention, or memory. So how do you help her intelligence shine through? ADDitude Magazine explains a system to help parents and teachers help students with ADHD achieve better work skills, a sense of accomplishment, and lots of after-school smiles.

5 Rules for Successful IEPS

Check out this newsletter from Wrightslaw as they walk you through 5 rules for successful IEP meetings and effective advocacy.

Suvey on Flu Prevention for Families of Children with Special Healthcare Needs

The CDC is asking families of children with special healthcare needs to take a short survey. They are interested in learning what you know about flu prevention and treatment. Click here to participate in the survey

Friday, September 23, 2011

Spanish Glossary Available Online of Special Education Terms

A new Spanish glossary of educational terms related to the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is now available online. The glossary is the result of the collective and collaborative efforts of 18 Parent Centers funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). It was developed to ensure that IDEA terms used in documents for parents are translated in a uniform and comprehensible way across states, geographical regions, and communities of Spanish speakers.
Click here to visit the OSEP Spanish Glossary online

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Autism Awareness Makes a Difference

Mounting evidence suggests that the impairments of autism -- including deficits in speech, IQ, and social skills -- can be tempered or even reversed if therapy is started early.

So the government has funded public health campaigns to increase awareness of the first signs of autism and the importance of early diagnosis among parents and health care providers and it's working!

Click here to read more at Web MD

Use story time to build your child's reading skills!

To an onlooker, the activities Emma Moyer suggests you try when reading to emerging readers just seem like fun, but they will help you build children's critical reading skills.

Ms. Moyer, a second grade teacher and certified reading specialist in Virginia, has started a colorful blog featuring selected books and specific tips you can use to solidify young readers' skills. Ms. Moyer has her M.Ed. in Reading and uses Phonemic Awareness in Young Children as her "go-to resource" for the activities she recommends in her blog.

The activities are presented to parents but they are easily adaptable and equally useful for early childhood educators.

Click here to check out Emma's blog Cuddle 'N Read

Thursday, April 28, 2011

College prep for students with ASD

Summer Advance 2011: Be Ready for College is available for 10-12 students between the ages of 17 - 23 who plan to attend or are attending college. Students must be at least a high school junior and taking a college preparatory course load in anticipation of being accepted as a student at UCO or other Oklahoma college. The program will be offered at the University of Central Oklahoma beginning on Sunday, June 26 at 3 PM through Tuesday, June 28 at noon.

Lots of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders plan to attend college. But sometimes, the college experience can be very difficult. Many times students are expected to be aware of information that is not reviewed by instructors or advisers. Summer Advance 2011 is designed to prepare students for the college experience and address the challenges that students often experience.

Summer Advance provides the information that all college students are expected to know when they arrive on campus in the fall. Some of the experiences that students will enjoy include: a social experience to get to know other classmates and mentors, staying in a residence hall, experiencing a college class, scavenger hunt to learn the campus, "College Concepts"--such as what is a 3-hour class, a syllabus, what to do when you get sick, etc. In addition, we will visit the Wellness Center, eat at the Nigh Center, visit the Library, and learn how to find the resources you need while attending college. Students will be assigned peer mentors (upperclassman and graduate students) and there will be supervision for the overnight experience. .

Parents will also participate! There will be financial sessions and social experiences to get to know other parents. These sessions are scheduled for Sunday, June 26 from 3-7 PM and on Monday, June 27 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM.

To participate in this program, you have to apply! Applications are due to us by May 15th! The cost of this program is $100 per student. To access a student application click here:

Fragile X research study

Fragile X Research Study

A Research Study is being conducted with an investigational medication for people with Fragile X Syndrome who exhibit certain behaviors such as:
• Listlessness
• Inactivity,
• Isolation from others,
• Fixed facial expressions, or
• Lack emotional responses

Children, adolescents, and adults ages 12-25 are potentially eligible.
For additional information please call:

OU Physician's Child Study Center
405-271-5700 ext. 45167
E-mail or
The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution.

Waiting in Oklahoma - YOU can help

If you believe people on the Waiting List have been without services long enough, please contact the elected officials listed below Also circulate this to others who want to help. When you contact the officials:

Call first and then write a follow-up e-mail reminding them of your concerns and wishes! This is important! Do NOT just send an e-mail or call. DO BOTH! (Anyone can call. If they have a loved one on the Waiting List, if they have a friend or if they or their child is on the Waiting list)

1. Give your name, address and phone number.
2. Tell them why people on the waiting list are important to you.
3. Ask them to redirect funds from state institutions to community based services.

Why should funds be redirected?
1. There are currently over 6,050 people who area waiting for services, some who have been waiting for over six years. NONEof them are waiting for, nor want, services at a state institution. We could provide the services Oklahoma families want and save tax dollars at the same time.

2. Oklahoma tax payers would save money. Developmental Disabilities Services Division of the Department of Human Services estimates that moving the approximately 239 individuals at state institutions into the community will provide a savings of $40,000 per year, per client – and will, additionally, reduce other necessary budget allocations for the physical plants.

3. Oklahoma could provide more services. Providing home and community based services in Oklahoma costs an average of $376/day. The Developmental Disabilities Services Division of the Department of Human Services estimates that the daily rate to serve clients in state institutions is $505/day - a difference of $127/day. In other words, if two people from state institutions were moved into community based services, we could take one person off the Waiting List.

4. Caregivers could return to work, reducing welfare programs and boosting tax revenue. Because many people on the Waiting List require 24/7 care, families are forced to make decisions that drive them into poverty. Parents leave employment to provide care, relegating them to a destitute status. Thousands who, with proper training and support, could be employed and be paying taxes, are not. Single-parent-families become full-time caregivers, dependent upon social programs for their income. Military families and others who seek or need to maintain employment must reject assignments and possible promotions.

5. Currently the Federal Government is providing financial incentives to move people from state institutions. By utilizing the “Money Follows the Person” program, we would receive 82.45% in federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) funds for the first year a person transitions from an institution to community based care, instead of the 64.9% we will receive beginning July 1, 2011. This incentive continues through 2015.

Please call and email these elected officials TODAY!
President Pro Tempore Senator Brian Bingman:, (405) 521-5528
Senator Clark Jolley:, (405) 521-5622
Senator David Meyers:, 405.521.5628
Speaker of the House Kris Steele:, (405) 557-7345
Representative Earl Sears:, (405) 557-7358
Representative Ron Peters:, (405) 557-7359
Representative Jason Nelson:, (405) 557-7335
Governor Mary Fallin:, (405) 521-2342

And don't forget your own State Representative and State Senator!

To stay connected, visit

Free, self-paced course on federal disability rights laws


This is a free, self-paced webcourse available 24/7 that provides an overview of disability rights laws. The course takes approximately 2 hours, includes real life scenarios, quizzes and a final exam. Upon completion of this course, you will have a general understanding of the major federal disability rights laws.

Autism Awareness Month -- an 11 year old speaks out

Dean Aviram is 11 years old and he tells us what it's like to have Aspergers. Courtesy of Natural Learning Concepts.


Cruise Raffle to support 4RKids

4RKids is down to just 150 tickets (out of 800)and only a few days left to get a raffle ticket for a Carribean cruise! Tickets are $25 each or 5 for $100! Help support 4RKids! Drawing is May 9th! Get yours today by stopping by their center at 710 Overland Trail in Enid or calling 580-237-7890

Sensory Friendly Film for April

The next Sensory-Friendly Film is "Rio." The film will be shown at the AMC Theaters at both Quail Springs and Crossroads on April 30th at 10:00 a.m.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

New website on Vaccines

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services today unveiled an innovative new website to help parents and other consumers learn about the most effective way to protect themselves and their children from infectious diseases and learn about immunization. brings together the best in federal resources on vaccine and immunizations to provide consumers with easy-to-understand health information specifically for their needs.

Let your voice be heard at the National Level

Parents are encouraged to take part in the National IDEA Survey going on now!

The survey will examine whether parents are treated as equal partners in their children’s education. We ask questions about whether the rights of students with disabilities and their parents protected throughout the special education process, including IEP meetings, decisions about special education, evaluations and eligibility, and Due Process and Impartial Hearings. We also ask about inclusion and whether children with disabilities receive the education they need, or whether they are deprived of important services. We will be using your answers to compile a report about the experiences of parents and children with disabilities and these issues.

All types of disabilities are of interest and there are different surveys for groups such as:
**Parents who have a child on an IEP
** Parents whose child was denied services
** Self advocates
** Attorneys & professional advocates

Click here to tell your story -- share your special education experience!

Autism Awareness Book Giveaway

Each April Brookes Publishing gives away a ton of great books as part of their celebation of Autism Awareness month. This year they are featuring 6 mini-libraries of great books and if you win --- you get to pick which selection best meets your needs! 3 mini-libraries will be awarded to lucky winners each week in April. To get your name in the drawing & check out the different books available, visit:

Friday, March 18, 2011

TSA medical Notification Cards

TSA has recently announced the use of TSA Medical Notification Cards. This is for use by individuals with medical conditions or disabilities that makes the typical security check a challenge. Think: Wheelchairs, prosthetics, hearing aids, pacemakers, etc. Click here for full information on TSA security screening for individuals with special needs.

For a printable Medical Notification Card click here.

Remember, this does not exclude a person from the security check. But it does make the TSA employees aware of the individual's needs and opens the possibility for a more private security screening.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Overcoming Alphabet Soup

This module from the IRIS Center will help you understand selected acronyms used in the field of special education and identify available resources for explaining frequently used special education acronyms.

Gluten free recipe ideas

Is your child on the Autism Spectrum? Have you thought about trying him/her on a Gluten free diet but are intimidated by the idea of finding tasty recipes that will work within the diet. Check out these 2 great blogs for some gluten free inspiritation!

Developmental Disability Day at the State Capitol - March 9, 2011

Join us for Developmental Disability Day at the State Capitol

2011 Developmental Disability Awareness Day Rally on March 9th at 10:30 am.
The crowd will begin gathering around 9:00 am and the speakers will begin at 10:30 am. The theme this year is "Life Without Limits."

Opening remarks and emcee - Judy Goodwin, OCP
DDSD - Jim Nicholson
OCP - Chris Freedom
DD Council - Wanda Felty
People First - Lance Davis
TARC - John Gajda

Regional training for parents & therapists on Assistive Technology

If you are an OT or PT and want a fresh perspective for providing classroom based AT services to your students, you won't want to miss the training scheduled for April 5th in OKC titled "Providing Assistive Technology for Students with Multiple Disabilities and Autism: How Can PT's, OT's help Special Education Teachers and Administrators?"
Click here for more info on this class & several more

Or, how about functional strategies to teach and promote the use of an AAC system with individuals who have a range of abilities? This training (conducted by Prentke Romich Co.) is geared for anyone (parent, teacher, PT, OT, SLP, Para, etc) who works with a student who uses an AAC device. "***Reality Augmentative and Alternative Communication Implementation" is scheduled for March 3rd at the Children's Center in Bethany and for March 4th at the OU-Tulsa Schusterman Center. (***PRC is managing registration for this training).
Click here for more on this workshop

Tips for parents on transitioning to college

How do you talk to your young adult son or daughter with intellectual disabilities about the option of postsecondary education? This tip sheet gives some ideas that could be useful.

Want to know some of the important things you and your young adult need to think about when transitioning from high school to college? Have a look at this TRANSITION checklist.

These are just a couple of the great resources featured in a recent newsletter from the Family Support Center on Disabilities. Click here to join their mailing list!

Free ADHD teleseminar with Dr. Edward Hallowell

Special ADD / ADHD Q & A

Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Time: 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm EST*

Instructor: Edward Hallowell, MD

Listen Over the Telephone or Internet!
Space is limited!

Click here to Register Now>>>

*Don't worry if you can't make the live Teleseminar! If you register before the start of the Teleseminar you will be able to listen to the recording free for 1 week.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Epilepsy Resource

Do you have a child diagnosed with epilespy? If so, you will want to visit this family friendly website full of wonderful resources and information.

Government-Wide Career Fair for PEOPLE with DISABILITIES

Government-Wide Career Fair for PEOPLE with DISABILITIES

Thursday, March 10, 2011
10:00 a.m. ¬ 3:00 p.m.
Langston University- OKC Campus
4205 N Lincoln Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73105-5210

• The Federal Executive Board in partnership with Tinker Air Force Base and many other government agencies invite employable individuals with a disability to this exclusive Career Fair

• Many government agencies are focused on hiring people with disabilities; qualification requirements vary among agencies

• Job-Seekers will have an opportunity to connect with Federal, State and local government employers from the state of Oklahoma

• No registration is required

• Job-Seekers are encouraged to bring copies of their Resume

• Sign Language interpreters and sighted guides will be available on site

It is the policy of the United States to assure equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for persons with disabilities.

Oklahoma families with autism on OETA

Check out the OETA program Stateline as it presents, "The Faces of Autism in Oklahoma". The program has already aired but is available on the OETA on demand page at:

Oklahoma Down Syndrome Conference

Join DSACO for the 2011 Conference at the Cox Convention Center for families, self-
advocates, and professionals.

Featuring National Speakers:
Brian Skotko, M.D.
Joe Meares, D.A.D.S
Krista Flint, Inclusive Humanity
Mark Leach, D.S.A.I.A.

March 25th, 6:30 p.m.:
Keynote Presentation by Brian Skotko, M.D. with dinner and dancing!

March 26th, 8:00 a.m.:
All-day conference for families, self-advocates, and professionals with national
and local speakers.

For more information, contact
Kacy Hensley at
405-330-5025 or