Thursday, March 31, 2011

Let your voice be heard at the National Level

Parents are encouraged to take part in the National IDEA Survey going on now!

The survey will examine whether parents are treated as equal partners in their children’s education. We ask questions about whether the rights of students with disabilities and their parents protected throughout the special education process, including IEP meetings, decisions about special education, evaluations and eligibility, and Due Process and Impartial Hearings. We also ask about inclusion and whether children with disabilities receive the education they need, or whether they are deprived of important services. We will be using your answers to compile a report about the experiences of parents and children with disabilities and these issues.

All types of disabilities are of interest and there are different surveys for groups such as:
**Parents who have a child on an IEP
** Parents whose child was denied services
** Self advocates
** Attorneys & professional advocates

Click here to tell your story -- share your special education experience!

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