Thursday, April 10, 2008

Parents...get your issue heard at the Govenor's Conference

This Friday at the Governor's Conference on Developmental Disabilities there will be a "Listening Session" for the Advisory Committee for Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilities from 12:45 - 2:00 p.m.

If you are unable to attend the conference but would like something presented to the committee during this "Listening Session", Wanda Felty has graciously offered to present parent issue up on your behalf at the conference.

Please don't be shy, this listening session has facilitated change in the past and this is an excellent opportunity to raise issues that effect your family and others raising a child with developmental disabiliteis.

Several years ago a parent who served as her adult child's HTS was not allowed to be reimbursed for mileage she used to transport her daughter for needed therapies listed on the Individual Plan. At the time there was a policy that stated no biological parent could receive mileage reimbursement for transporting their own child. The parent brought this issue up during the listening session. This policy was amended to allow for the reimbursement. It did take time, but it DID HAPPEN. So if you have a concern or issue send as much information as you can to Wanda at the address below, or better yet, come to the conference and let them hear your story.

Wanda Felty - Family Advocate

Conference Information available at:

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