Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's IEP time again

IEP meetings tend to make many parents break out in a cold sweat, but they don't have to be so painful. The key is to work in partnership with your child's school, not against each other. Each of you bring important information to the table about your child and when you combine what you know about YOUR child with what is understood about his/her condition in general you can move more quickly and easily to the educational program and plan that is right for your child.

If you or your IEP team aren't sure what supports, accomodations, or strategies are frequently used for children with your child's condition, then the Teacher Guides listed below may be very helpful in giving you new ideas to consider:

Click a diagnosis from the list to access a related teacher guide:

1. Accomodation idea sheets for a wide variety of conditions

2. Asperger syndrome (once at the site, click Education in left hand column)

3. ADHD - Guide 1

4. ADHD - Guide 2

5. Autism

6. Bipolar Disorder

7. Cerebral Palsy

8. Cognitive Disabilities

9. Deafness/Hearing Impairment

10. Diabetes

11. Down Syndrome

12. Dyslexia

13. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

14. Learning Disabilities - Guide 1

15. Learning Disabilities - Guide 2

16. Tourette syndrome

17. Traumatic Brain Injury - Guide 1

18. Traumatic Brain Injury - Guide 2

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