Thursday, August 12, 2010

Parent Talk on August 17th - Demystifying Learning Disabilities

Parents of children with learning disabilities (LD) and children and adults with LD still face huge misunderstanding about what learning disabilities are…and what they’re not. When you hear an uneducated remark from a neighbor, colleague, coach, relative, or even from someone at the grocery store, how do you deal with it?

Join NCLD's Parent Leader, Marcie Lipsett, duing this Parent Talk as she discusses:
• Explaining LD in order to reduce stigma
• Dealing with people who misunderstand what a learning disability is
• Helping a child respond to uneducated (and hurtful) remarks
• Dealing with family members who simply don't get it
• Responding to someone who thinks that LD = autism, AD/HD, or mental retardation

Join our Next Parent Talk:
Demystifying Learning Disabilities —
Educating Yourself and Others

August 17, 2010
1-2 p.m. ET.

Parent Talks are text-based discussions, all you'll need is Internet access to participate. You can submit your question in advance of the Talk, or during the scheduled event. In either case, participating is as easy as 1-2-3!

Click here to have the Talk expert answer YOUR question

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