Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Expert panel to talk about Immunization - risks & benefits

As a parent, do you worry about taking your child for routine immunization shots?

Many parents do. They are concerned about infectious diseases and how to protect their children and yet they are bombarded by media reports citing links between vaccines and chronic conditions such as autism.

It's enought to leave any parent confused about how best to protect their child.
So let's get right to the point!

Listen in as we host a panel of experts and learn the real risk & benefits of immunization. We'll talk about things like....

=> What immunizations are required by the state of Oklahoma and our local school districts.
=> What options are available to parents who are concerned about immunization.
=> What are the risks and benefits of each option.
=> What does current research says about the connection between autism and immunization.

Send us your questions
Do you have a question on immunization you’d like the panel to answer? Just send your question to immune_questions@yahoo.com by April 22, 2009

Tune In & Hear the Answers
Be sure to tune and watch our experts as they respond to your questions. The panel presentation will be broadcast by Pegasys on public access television during the first week of May and DVDs of the program will also be available for purchase from Pegasys following the broadcast. For more details, check your TV listings or stayed tuned to this blog!

Panel members will include:
1. Dr. Malhotra – local developmental pediatrician - specializes in children with Autism & ADHD

2. Emily Burton – local immunization field specialist

3. Susan Mendes - Immunization educator from State health dept.

4. Rene Daman from the Oklahoma Autism Network

5. Dr. Laura McGuinn - Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician from OUHSC Autism Team

6. Catherine Rott - local parent & founder of the Oklahoma Vaccine Information Network

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