Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Free webinar on Transportation Voucher Program

Topic: Using Transportation Voucher Programs to Support Low-Wage Earners and Workers with Disabilities
Date: Wednesday, Sept. 10
Time: 2:00-3:15 p.m. ET

Cost: This webinar, funded by the Community Transportation Association's Joblinks Employment Transportation Initiative is free of charge. The Joblinks Initiative is supported with funding from the U.S. DOT Federal Transit Administration and the U.S. DOL Employment and Training Administration.

Why: Although communities have been employing transportation vouchers as a means to enhance individual mobility for many years, the allowance of the use of Job Access and Reverse Commute and New Freedom funds to support voucher programs has further increased the presence of voucher programs across the country.

This Webinar will benefit those considering implementing a voucher program as a strategy to overcome mobility challenges for low-wage earners and workers with disabilities. Hear from peers who have implemented vouchers. Learn how they did it and how the use of vouchers has aided access to employment for low-wage earners and workers with disabilities. Whether you are transportation provider, state or local level planner, member of a transportation planning collaborate, or a potential funder of a voucher system, this Webinar is for you.

Extras: Participants will be introduced to a Wiki page created to house a new primer on voucher programs developed to supplement APRIL's Toolkit for Operating a Rural Transportation Voucher Program. (Similar to Wikipedia, this wiki page will be available for Webinar participants and others to edit and expand).

Carolyn Jeskey, Director, Joblinks Employment Transportation Initiative, Community Transportation Association of America, Washington, D.C.

Billy Altom, Executive Director, Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living (APRIL), North Little Rock, Ark.

Vernon S. Chambers, Project Director Harris County-Rides, Houston, Texas

Kathy Rankin, Housing Manager, Development Services Department, City of Olathe, Kan.

To Register, go to:

For More info:
Contact Pamela Friedman, Joblinks Program Specialist at 800.891.0590 x 720 or 202.403.1629

1 comment:

Eileen Can said...

Thank you for posting this event! May I add you to our various networks for disseminating United We Ride information? Thanks again!
