Thursday, May 22, 2008

Exceptional FREE training for parent raising children with special needs

The Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Council is currently accepting applications for the next class of Partners in Policymaking.

Partners in Policymaking is a FREE 9 month advocacy training course for parents of children with disabilities, adult self-advocates and advocates for persons with disabilities. They provide training in best practice state-of-the-art information from national experts in the felid of developmental disabilities.

Topics covered include:
1. History of services and perceptions
2. People First Language
3. Inclusive education
4. IEP’s and school advocacy
5. Inclusive community living
6. Sexuality and disability
7. Supported employment
8. State and federal legislative processes
9. State systems and service coordination
10. Medicaid and Medicare
11. Natural family supports
12. Assistive technology
13. Behavior and non-aversive interventions
14. Advocacy strategies, grass roots organizing and working with the media.

The goal is to educate participants to be active partners with those who make policy and foster development of positive relationships with policymakers. Partners are trained to advocate for supports and services to increase independence, productivity and inclusion into the community for people with disabilities.

PIP has a one day mandatory orientation (August 23rd) and meets one weekend a month from September through May. They do not meet in December so everyone can be with their families. They provide mileage reimbursement, hotel rooms for those living 60 miles or more away, and pay reasonable childcare expenses. Also included are all meals during training.

The application form:
The application is on the OKDDC website at: and you can view a Partners in Policymaking video to get more information.

For more information:
Call LeAnna Hart at 800-836-4470 or 405-521-4984 with any questions. They will be conducting phone interviews to seat the class through mid June.

PIP classes accept 30 participants each session.

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