Monday, January 28, 2008

What happens after high school?

For many families raising a child with special needs it's a struggle just to make it through each school year. You worry each my child making progress? Did we focus the IEP on the right things? Is my child safe and happy at school?

For most parents, what comes after high school is one of those bridges...we'll cross when we get there and not worry about now.

Here's the bad news: Effective and successful transition planning for your child needs to start as early as junior high. It takes time to figure out with you child what his/her life vision is and it takes time to teach your child the skills he/she will need to make their dreams a reality.

If your child has significant impairments, it can be even more challenging to figure out what their adult days will look like and how to make it a full and satisfying life experience.

If this is a struggle you see coming, you may want to check out the book "Make the Day Matter". It offers proven ideas for supporting adults with significant disabilities as they

  • make a smooth transition from school to adult life
  • find or create employment that fits their goals and desires
  • pursue their individual interests and hobbies
  • participate in postsecondary education
  • develop social relationships and community connections
  • explore opportunities for paid self-advocacy and systems change work
  • maintain active, healthy lifestyles as they age

Although this book is written for service providers, parents desperately need this information too. In most situations, parents and guardians are the driving force that decides whether an individual with special needs has a satisfying life or a mediocre one. You need to know what's possible and ask for it!

Click here to read more about "Making the Day Matter"

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