Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Help for your reluctant reader is at the Library!

September is Library Card Sign-up Month, and the Public Library of Enid & Garfield County wants to make sure that everyone in our community, especially every child, has the smartest card of all – a library card. If you have a reluctant reader at your house, this is especially good news as the library has a collection of high interest-low reading level books that can encourage any reader to dive in. The library also offer story times for young children and tubs of hands on activities to stimulate learning & development. Don't miss out on this great resource!

The library will begin issuing new library cards in September, and for the whole month anyone can trade in their old card for FREE and get a new card and keytag combo with a picture of the library on the front. Many people like the convenience of having their library card attached to their key ring, so they always have it with them.

Studies show that children who are read to in the home and who use the library perform better in school and are more likely to continue to use the library as a source of lifetime learning. “A library card has always been the most important school supply of all,” says Jade Powell, public services supervisor at the library.
“Kids can come to the library to get homework help and check out books, but they can also play games, check out books and DVDs and use the Internet to help make after school life fun. There’s a lot happening at our library, and the best part for both kids and parents is that it’s all free with a library card.”

Getting a library card is easy. Anyone, regardless of place of residence, can obtain a library card by presenting a picture ID and a form of identification that shows your name and current address. Parents/guardians must show this proof of ID and address on behalf of kids under 18 years old. If your picture ID does not have your current address, please also bring something that shows your current mailing address.

To kick off our month-long celebration of library cards, the library will be participating in First Fridays in downtown Enid by extending their hours until 9:00 p.m. on Friday, September 4th. The event will include a showing of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, a Basic Jewelry Making: Earrings class for adults, and the opportunity for patrons to participate in an exciting scavenger hunt around the library for prizes, including a grand prize of $100.00.

For more information on how to sign up for a library card or for a printed calendar of September events, visit the Public Library of Enid & Garfield County at 120 W. Maine Ave, call (580) 234-6313, or visit the library online at or check out the library blog. The library is also on Facebook and Twitter!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Bridges Out of Poverty Training

Bridges Out of Poverty Training is coming to Fairview. It will be on Sept. 3rd from 6pm-8pm at the I-Tower Ballroom. It is free but individuals must register in advance to attend.

To register email Nicole Martens your name and phone number at nicolemartens@sbcglobal.net

Registration deadline is Aug. 30, 2009.
The U.S. Department of Labor has launched disability.gov, a site offering comprehensive information about programs and services to better serve Americans with disabilities, their family members, employers, educators, and caregivers.

The new website integrates content from 22 federal agencies and is organized into 10 subject areas: benefits, civil rights, community life, education, emergency preparedness, employment, health, housing, technology and transportation. It includes social media tools to encourage interaction and feedback, and new ways to organize, share and receive information. Visitors can sign up for personalized news and updates, participate in online discussions and suggest resources for the site. New features include a Twitter feed, Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, a blog, social bookmarking and a user-friendly way to obtain answers to questions on such topics as finding employment and job accommodations. Additional tools will be added during the months ahead.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A great news sources for families

If you would like to receive information on training events, conferences, family needs, and other information helpful to families raising children with special needs, join the Oklahoma Family Network's email list for all the latest. Click here to subscribe.

Sample Betty Crocker Gluten Free Mixes

Betty Crocker is giving away coupons for Gluten Free Mixes.

Here's what you need to do:
1. Call 1-800-446-1898 from 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM CST,
2. Press #4 for Customer Service.
3. Tell them you're interested in Gluten Free Products and Coupons.
The Rep will ask some questions concerning your family's allergies to gluten and your zip code.

Bridges Out of Poverty Training - Aug. 14, 09

The details:
Bridges Out of Poverty
Friday, August 14, 2009
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Redlands Community College
1300 South Country Club Road, El Reno, Oklahoma
Conference Center

What it's all about:
Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities

In this one-day workshop, participants will create a mental model of poverty, review poverty research, examine a theory of change and analyze poverty through the prism of the hidden rules of class, resources, family structure and language. The seminar puts into words what many veteran professionals and community members have experienced.

Throughout the workshop, participants will receive specific strategies for improving outcomes for people living in poverty, but the focus of the workshop is to provide a broad overview of concepts.

Jodi Pfarr of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is currently employed by Catholic Charities as a consultant assisting the program staff with the development of their skills and the enhancement of their programs. This follows her post of Transitional Housing Manager managing low-income housing for those coming out of a shelter or off the street, and has created holistic programs that assist residents to stabilize their lives. Jodi also managed a special needs shelter and a women’s shelter for the Salvation Army, for those with mental illness, disability, or physical ailments. Jodi is a chaplain with a Masters of Divinity, and is a certified critical debriefer for the St. Paul Police department. She is very aware of the police culture and the challenges officers face. She sits on the board of the Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association and has advised several city and county agencies on projects relating to these issues. Jodi also consults for the aha! Process, Inc.

To participate:
Please call 262-0202 by 4:00 PM, Friday, August 7th to register and guarantee your refreshments.

Families are eligible for $25.00 cash incentive to help with expenses from attending this workshop.

Call June Teters at 405-517-5246 for more information.

Mammography resources for Uninsured Patients

The OU Breast Institute is pleased to let you know that we have several resources available to assist uninsured and underinsured patients in obtaining screening and diagnostic mammography services. These resources include:

1. The Oklahoma State Department of Health’s Take Charge! program focuses on women between the ages of 50-64 to receive screening mammography and will also provide diagnostic services for women 40-49.

2. Funding from the National Breast Cancer Foundation assists patients with mammography services (screening and diagnostic) and ultrasounds, targeting underserved women who are not eligible for Medicare.

3. The American Breast Cancer Foundation Key to Life Grants require an application from the patient, but we are happy to assist patients with this process.

4. For patients who have difficulty with transportation, funding is available through the Avon Foundation to assist in transporting groups of women to our facility for imaging services.

If you have any questions regarding these services, please contact Lora Sherman at the OU Breast Institute 405-271-8001 ext 48596.

Turning Point Policy Day

Oklahoma Turning Point Policy Day is October 9, 2009!

Turning Point Partners and Friends are invited to participate in the first, annual Oklahoma Turning Point Policy Day on October 9, 2009. In the morning, participants will have an "Advocacy 101" primer to learn the keys to effective policy advocacy. Then, all will participate in breakout sessions to discuss policy initiatives about tobacco, obesity, mental health and substance abuse, and education and prevention.

We look forward to seeing all of you on October 9. The cost is only $15, which includes a nice lunch. The meeting location will be at the University of Central Oklahoma, Nigh University Center, Edmond, OK. The day will begin at 8:30 a.m. and conclude by 3:00 p.m.

To register, go to the Oklahoma Turning Point web site

Information on Healthcare Reform

The Catalyst Center Completes Two Issue Briefs Related to Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs and Health Care Reform. Click the titles below to check them out:

1. Health Care Reform and Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs: Coverage is Not Enough - provides more specific information. This brief identifies the impact of thin benefit packages on CYSHCN and their families and offers specific policy suggestions to alleviate underinsurance.

2. What Do Children with Special Health Care Needs Require from Health Care Reform? - identifies the three main components of optimal healthcare coverage for CYSHCN. Namely, coverage must be adequate, affordable and continuous.

Click here to visit the Catalyst Center website