Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Informational meeting on Insure Oklahoma

Sooner SUCCESS would like to invite all interested individuals in Garfield County to an information meeting about Insure Oklahoma.

The Insure Oklahoma program is designed to assist small business owners, employees and their spouses with health insurance premiums.

The Insure Oklahoma/O-EPIC Employer-Sponsored Insurance will pay part of the health plan premiums for eligible employees working for qualified Oklahoma small businesses (with 50 or fewer full-time employees). Participation in this program is voluntary.

Insure Oklahoma/O-EPIC Individual Plan is available to Oklahomans not otherwise eligible to participate in an Insure Oklahoma employer-sponsored Qualified Health Plan.

Income guidelines and an eligibility wizard are available on their website at:

Sooner SUCCESS has invited staff from the Insure Oklahoma project to give an introductory presentation and answer individual questions in Enid on September 11, 2008. The meeting is open to the public and we would like to invite anyone interested in learning about Insure Oklahoma to join us.

Insure Oklahoma Presentation:
Speaker: Melissa Pratt, MA, LBP
Insure Oklahoma/O-EPIC Outreach Supervisor

When: September 11, 2008
Time: Noon to 1 p.m.
Location: Bass Pavilion, 1st floor conference room
Host: Sooner SUCCESS Coalition of Garfield County
Questions? Contact Lisa Simmons at 603-1580

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Build Your Own Care Notebook Online

Build your Own Care Notebook Online at the National Center of Medical Home Initiatives for Children with Special Needs Web Site

Dr. Charles Onufer, Director, Division of Specialized Care for Children at the University of Illinois at Chicago and his Title V CSHCN staff, created a website called “Build Your Own Care Notebook”. They are working with staff from the National Center of Medical Home Initiatives for Children with Special Needs. This web site is designed to assist families to build their own care notebooks for their own children with special needs. The web site allows parents to select different versions of care notebooks and put them together to build their own customized care notebook.

Dr. Onufer took 20 complete care notebooks and developed a template consisting of 6 major sections with their corresponding subsections. For each of these subsections, up to 20 versions of that subsection was created in MS Word and Adobe PDF formats. A parent then has the capability to review these different versions of the subsections that they would like to include in their child’s care notebook, and download those Word or PDF files to their computer.

The next step was creating an online tutorial for parents to guide them in "how to" use the online care notebook for their child or patient. A field test of the tutorial was held for parents and health care professionals February 5, 2008 at the Illinois Center for Rehab and Education. Dr. Onufer and his staff are revising the tutorial based on comments from the field test and will work with National Center Staff on uploading the tutorial.

Find out more about how to use the Care Notebook web site to create your own personal care notebook by taking the Care Notebook Online Tour.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Autism toolkit for Community Schools

Virtually every public school is being asked or soon will be asked to include a student on the autism spectrum. To help meet the information needs of public school teachers, staff, and administrators, Autism Speaks has created a 200 page toolkit of information, strategies, tips & resources for schools and communities.

This tool kit is not intended to be a curriculum for special education for students on the autism spectrum, but rather a support for the general education and administrative school staff who interact with students with autism in various capacities. However, it is envisioned that this tool kit will provide valuable information and resources that can be employed by special education and administrative staff in their efforts to plan for and support students in general education environments and involvement in the school community as a whole.

To check out the toolkit modules online or download a PDF copy, visit:

Free webinar on Transportation Voucher Program

Topic: Using Transportation Voucher Programs to Support Low-Wage Earners and Workers with Disabilities
Date: Wednesday, Sept. 10
Time: 2:00-3:15 p.m. ET

Cost: This webinar, funded by the Community Transportation Association's Joblinks Employment Transportation Initiative is free of charge. The Joblinks Initiative is supported with funding from the U.S. DOT Federal Transit Administration and the U.S. DOL Employment and Training Administration.

Why: Although communities have been employing transportation vouchers as a means to enhance individual mobility for many years, the allowance of the use of Job Access and Reverse Commute and New Freedom funds to support voucher programs has further increased the presence of voucher programs across the country.

This Webinar will benefit those considering implementing a voucher program as a strategy to overcome mobility challenges for low-wage earners and workers with disabilities. Hear from peers who have implemented vouchers. Learn how they did it and how the use of vouchers has aided access to employment for low-wage earners and workers with disabilities. Whether you are transportation provider, state or local level planner, member of a transportation planning collaborate, or a potential funder of a voucher system, this Webinar is for you.

Extras: Participants will be introduced to a Wiki page created to house a new primer on voucher programs developed to supplement APRIL's Toolkit for Operating a Rural Transportation Voucher Program. (Similar to Wikipedia, this wiki page will be available for Webinar participants and others to edit and expand).

Carolyn Jeskey, Director, Joblinks Employment Transportation Initiative, Community Transportation Association of America, Washington, D.C.

Billy Altom, Executive Director, Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living (APRIL), North Little Rock, Ark.

Vernon S. Chambers, Project Director Harris County-Rides, Houston, Texas

Kathy Rankin, Housing Manager, Development Services Department, City of Olathe, Kan.

To Register, go to:

For More info:
Contact Pamela Friedman, Joblinks Program Specialist at 800.891.0590 x 720 or 202.403.1629

Friday, August 15, 2008

Classroom accomodations for students with ADHD

Children with ADHD can thrive with the help of simple, but highly effective, classroom accommodations. Here are a few to consider that were recommended by the experts at ADDitude Magazine:

1. Choose seating wisely.
A spot near the teacher and away from doors and windows helps maintain focus on the teacher. (Other kids do well in a quiet space, near the back, or next to a good role model.)

2. Tape-record assignments.
ADD-friendly gadgets are useful if your child struggles to remember spoken instructions.

3. Assign a "study buddy."
Having someone to check in with will help students whose distractibility or writing disabilities get in the way of class discussions and/or note-taking.

4. Give a lighter load.
This is appropriate for children who struggle to get their work done on time. The assignments are just as hard, but shorter (fewer math problems or less pages to read, say).

5. Grant extra time for tests.
The idea is not to make the exam "easier" but to level the playing field, by providing sufficient time for your child to demonstrate what he has learned.

And sure to talk with your child's classroom teacher about your child's needs at the start of the school year.

For more tips and ideas on ADHD accomodations in the classroom visit ADDitude Magazine's website.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Alva Autism and Special Needs Support Group

A new Autism and Special Needs Support Group is starting in Alva. They will be meeting August 18th at 7:00pm at the Alva Public Library. The guest speaker will be Tara Warwick. Tara is an OT that specializes in Autism. They will continue to meet every 3rd Monday each month.

For more info. contact ReJeana Wiebener at 580-829-2290 or Grace Scribner at 580-748-1410.

Autism Training for Parents, Providers, Family Members & Friends

Sooner SUCCESS and the Oklahoma Autism Network invite you to attend a FREE training entitled, "Creating Community Supports Today to Enhance Tomorrow for a Child with Autism".

When: Tuesday, September 23rd
Where: Chisholm Trail Technology Center
(Located on Hwy 33 between Kingfisher and Watonga, OK)

Registration: 8:30-9 (pre-registration is recommended)
Workshop: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

This training provides a step by step process that families, friends, and service providers can use to help build community supports for an individual with autism. Obstacles such as challenging behavior and societal barriers will be addressed to give families a process that is both realistic and successful.

Tara WArwick, MS, OTR/L
Rene' Daman, MS, PT, PCS, Director of Oklahoma Autism Network

Lunch will be available on site from 11:30 to 12:30 provided by The Health Ocupations Students of America. The menu will include: Indian tacos, dessert, & a drink for $6.00. Exact cash amount is requested by the students.

SEATING IS LIMITED. Register today by contacting Lisa Simmons at 603-1580 or by email at

Friday, August 8, 2008

Back to school & ideas

Encourage your child's teacher to plan his/her activity schedule with your child's energy needs in mind.

For example, do active items AFTER a quiet activity like circle time or a story not before.

Explain that your active child will have difficulty "coming back down" from high energy activities quickly enough to participate in something that requires quiet concentration.

Another good tip -- ask if the teacher can incorporate a "calming period" where he/she just turns out the lights and plays classical music for a few minutes. Often this has a wonderful calming effect on ALL the children in the class.

Even if the teacher doesn't feel this is necessary on a daily basis, it can be a nice back up plan if your child's IEP gives him permission to request some "calming time" when he senses he is getting out of control.

New resource centers on Autism and Reading

For 30 years, Brookes has published highly respected resources in early childhood, early intervention, inclusive and special education, developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, communication and language, behavior, and mental health. Now they have added 2 additional resources to their website to offer parents & professionals alike help in the areas of autism and reading.

Autism Resource Center

The Autism Resource Center lets you view free webinars, read author interviews, see video clips of treatments in action, and much more.

Reading Resource Center

At the Reading Resource Center you can get samples and learn more about the research behind Brookes's supplemental and intervention programs that meet scientifically based reading research criteria.

Free Disability Seminar for Employers and HR staff

This seminar is designed to provide individuals working in Human Resource Management, Employee Supervision, and Employee Assistance Services an opportunity to acquire knowledge and develop skills towards the effective recruitment, hiring, and retention of workers with disabilities.

Where & When:
Date: Sept. 23, 2008
Time: 7:30 a.m. to Noon (Continental Breakfast provided)
Location: Francis Tuttle Technology Center
Rockwell Campus
Construction Trades Building, #7
12777 N. Rockwell
Oklahoma City, OK

Date: Sept. 24, 2008
Time: 7:30 a.m. to noon (Continental Breakfast provided)
Location: Tulsa Technology
Lemley Campus
3420 S. Memorial Drive
Tulsa, OK

What you'll learn:
• Understand the legal issues and implications of employment law pertaining to the recruitment, hiring, and retention of workers with disabilities. Be familiar with aspects of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

• Understand what it means to provide Reasonable Accommodations and ways to be cost effective in providing the accommodation.

• Increase awareness of the impact of mental health in the workplace, identify strategies and resources to assist employers in reducing stigma, recognizing possible signs of mental illness in employees and promoting a mental health friendly workplace.

How to register:
To register for this seminar send your name and e-mail address to:
Phone: (405) 470-3200
FAX: (405) 470-3223

Register early! Seating is limited

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fall news from Sooner SUCCESS

Just a quick reminder that The Garfield County Sooner SUCCESS Coalition will NOT be meeting during the month of August.

However, I do want to update you on a few items:

Play Matters a Big Success
We have completed all but our final session of Play Matters with 10 participants and had another wonderful experience. We had a great response from everyone involved and a special "Thank You" goes out to all of coalition members that volunteered for the Academy or donated supplies/materials. It was all critical to making this project a success. Celebration Saturday is the coming Saturday (August 9th). Family and friends are invited to attend and watch the participants go up for their celebration air plane ride and receive their graduation certificates.

Free Autism Training for Family Members & Professionals
Sooner SUCCESS is hosting a regional workshop on autism September 23rd from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Chisholm Trail Technology Center between Kingfisher and Watonga. This is a free workshop for both family members and professionals and will focus on how to develop community supports for individuals with autism. The speakers will be from the Oklahoma Autism Network and each participant will leave with a goodie bag of resources after the session. We expect this to be an awesome day and I encourage you to attend and to share the registration information with others who might be interested. To register individuals just need to contact Lisa Simmons at 603-1580.

Walk 4RKids
Also coming up in September is the Walk 4RKids at David Allen Memorial Ballpark on September 20th. This is a great time to share information with families through an information table or just to walk in support of individuals with special needs. You can register online through the 4RKids website.

Join our coalition
The next meeting of the Garfield County Sooner SUCCESS Coalition will be on September 11th from noon to 1 p.m. when we will be focused on our fall health project: a mobile dental clinic with the Oklahoma Dental Foundation. Join us at the Bass Pavilion in the 1st floor conference or contact Lisa at to be added to our mailing list.

I look forward to seeing you there!