Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Update on SB 2071 - Autism Training for Teachers

SB 2071 will be presented by House author Rep. Ken Miller to the House Education Sub Higher Ed Committee on Monday, March 24 at 9:00am, Room 512A.

This bill provides the request for Univ. of Central Oklahoma to establish a training curriculum for behavior analysts trained specifically to work with children and teens with autism. This is so parents and schools can secure properly trained people to work with children on the autism spectrum. The training program will involve 190 clock hours of specialty training and a one year supervised internship working with children with autism and successfully passing a national exam before earning the title of BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst).

These are the members of the committee if you would like to contact them and ask for their support.

Rep Terry Ingmire, Chair - (405) 557-7411
Rep. David Derby, Vice Chair - (405) 557-7377
Rep Terry Hyman - (405) 557-7383
Rep Charlie Joyner - (405) 557-7314
Rep Bill Nations - (405) 557-7323
Rep Pam Peterson - (405) 557-7341
Rep Jabar Shumate - (405) 557-7406

Also, please thank Rep Ken Miller for his support and leadership of this very important bill. (405) 557-7360

Thank You

Wayne Rohde
(405) 973-7049

New parent support group focuses on autism and sensory processing issues

Parents Helen Lazcano and Theresa Sharp are developing a support group for family members and caregivers touched by Autism Spectrum Disorders (including Asperger Syndrome, Rhett's Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders), Sensory Processing Disorders and ADHD.

It will be by parents- for parents and have focus on parentings sharing ideas and supporting each other. Detailed brochures are available for interested parents or parents can contact Theresa or Helen directly to learn more.
Theresa Sharp - 977-7479
Helen Lazcano - 370-5081

The first meeting is scheduled for April 17th at Christ United Methodist Church (2418 W. Randolph, Enid). Activities will be available for children 5-12 while the parent group is meeting and childcare for younger children will be provided on request.

Theresa and Helen will appear on Community Talk the week of April 2-9th. Tune in to learn more!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Legislative Action Alert

Congress is considering a Budget Resolution which sets the funding level for the appropriations committee -

The undersigned organizations support Senator Sander’s amendment to the Budget Resolution to put the needs of hard-pressed families and communities in the forefront by investing:

- $ 5 billion for Head Start;
- $4 billion for the Child Care Development Block Grant;
- $3 billion for school construction;
- $3 billion for the Food Stamp Program;
- $4 billion for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP);
- $10 billion for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA);
- $3 billion to reduce the deficit.

Call your two United States senators immediately and strongly urged them to vote for the Sander’s amendment to the Budget Resolution in support of America’s children and families.

Call the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202/ 224-3121 and ask for your senators offices.

Thank you for supporting children and families across our nation!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Do you know children that need dental care?

The Garfield County Sooner SUCCESS coalition will meet this Thursday, March 13th from noon to 1 p.m. at the Bass Pavillion, 1st Floor Conference Room.

The major area of discussion will be dental care for kids who have no insurance or are not currently seeing a dentist because their family cannot afford it. Dr. Lisa Grimes will be speaking about the Mobile Dental Van available through the Oklahoma Dental Foundation. Working with local schools and organizations, the dental van can provide dental care for children without access to health insurance or regular dental care at no cost to the families.

If you see a need for this type of program to visit Enid, please join us. We will be learning more details about the program and discussing how to best meet the current need in Enid!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Physical therapy your child will BEG to do

Does your child dread going to physical therapy? Therapists do all they can to make it fun, but often to a child, therapy is just plain hard work.

Well check out the latest trend in physical therapy....many therapists have embraced the latest generation of video games are integrating them right into their therapy sessions. In particular, the Wii has turned out to be a terrific therapy aid.

Skeptical? Just google "Wii + physical therapy". You'll find over 100,000 entries describing programs across the nation that are embracing the Wii as a fun way to engage kids and encourage movement both during therapy sessions and to motivate kids to use weaker muscles outside of therapy as well.

Definitely interesting reading...check it out!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Surviving the first 100 days......with Autism

Autism Speaks has created a 100 Day Kit specifically for newly diagnosed families. The goal is to help families make the best possible use of those first 100 days following the diagnosis of autism.

The kit contains information and advice from trusted and respected experts on autism and parents of children with autism. There is a week by week plan for the first 100 days, organizational suggestions and forms that parents/caregivers can use to help with the paperwork and phone calls, as they begin to find services for their child.

This is a great idea, that will be a tremendous blessing for every parent feeling lost and overwhelmed by the "world of autism"

Click here to check out the kit

February....the ideal time to be thinking about Summer Camp!

I know it's March, not February. But in case you missed the's something that needs to be bumped up on your "to do" list!

From August through May, kids with disabilities in summer camp morph into full-throttle dynamos, hurtling from one organized activity to the next in an environment that is safe, social and supportive. Fueled by good food, fresh air, high activity and companionship, kids in summer camp sleep the sleep of the satisfied, the day's challenges met, new friends made and another day just ahead.

For parents and other caregivers, however, the trick is to find that most appropriate camp. And that can be a task that takes time. Not to mention the fact that popular camps will fill up quickly, so early registration is definitely recommended.

For more insights on the benefits of camp as well as resources and tips for finding that "perfect" camp, check out the latest newsletter from the Family Center on Technology and Disability: Summer Camp '08: The Break That Refreshes.

The newsletter is available in both Word and PDF formats and this link will also let you check out previous issues filled with great assistive technology info.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Teaching Children Social Skills

Kids Connecting with Kids.....building friendships and learning to work and play well with others. It's really what childhood is all about. But that doesn't mean it always comes easy or that the road is always smooth.

Dr. Tonia Caselman, Assistant Professor of Social Work at OU-Tulsa, has created a video lecture that offers tips and ideas on how adults can help kids learn critical social skills. It's called: Kids Connecting with Kids: Teaching Children Social Skills

PART I covers Intrapersonal Skills - helping kids develop the internal skills necessary to increase social status, including self-awareness, mood and anger management, and acceptance of others.

Part II tackles Interpersonal Skills - how you can teach children interaction skills - how to join in, be a good conversationalist, make others feel special and more.

Dr. Caselman shares her lecture along with handouts on empathy training, impulse control and problem solving. She also gives visitors the opportunity to submit questions and view questions submitted by others (along with her answers).

To check it out, click here.
If you have difficulty accessing any of the materials, call 918-660-3317

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Where do the presidential candidates stand?

Last summer, Senators Clinton and Obama participated in a national disability issues questionnaire. To find out their positions, click here

Senator McCain did not respond to the questionnaire, to read his responses during the Republican candidate forum, click here